Concept-related Acids & Bases | Best 10 Characteristics of acids and bases
A chemical that releases hydrogen ions in water and combines with certain metals to make salts. Acids taste sour and turn some colors red. Some acids that the body makes, like gastric acid, can help organs work properly. Hydrochloric acid is one type of acid. The pH scale is a way to measure how acidic something is. On this scale, a value of 7 is neutral, and a value of less than 7 or equal to 0 means that the acidity is getting worse.
In chemistry, an alkali is a substance that can take in hydrogen ions from water and make an acid neutral. Bases make the skin feel soapy or slippery, and they can turn some dyes blue. Sodium hydroxide is an example of a base. The pH scale is a way to measure how basic something is. On this scale, a pH value of 7 is neutral, and a pH value between 7 and 14 shows that the substance is becoming more basic.